Common sources of Traumatic Brain injuries


A recent study evaluated childhood traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and the common events, including use of standard household products, most likely to inflict this type of harm. Use of these products, as well as participation in various types of physical activities and sports, were found to be a significant contributor to brain injury risk.

According to the study, roughly 72% of all brain injuries suffered by those under the age of 19 occur due to the use or interaction with items you’d find in a typical California household – including the furniture and the structure itself. Objects include floors, ceilings and walls, stairs, beds, tables and chairs. Additionally, sports-related items such as soccer balls, footballs, basketballs and bicycles are common injury culprits (i.e. being hit in the head, tripping over, or falling while engaged in sports-related activities led to measurable injuries.)

What is a TBI? A traumatic brain injury may occur as the result of a sudden strong jolt, bump, hit or other injury to the head. Thus, for example, when children fall and strike their head, it is possible to sustain a serious head injury. These injuries vary in degree and intensity, as well as permanency. Further, the signs and symptoms may not appear for a few days or even weeks after the incident occurs. Long-term effects include potential cognitive and physical impairment.

While TBIs sustained by children are often due to athletics or other household occurrence, roughly 50% of all TBIs occur as the result of motor vehicle accidents. Military personnel in combat zones are also prone to TBIs.

If you, or your child has sustained a TBI or other brain injury due to someone’s negligence, it’s important to act immediately to contact a skilled personal injury attorney to document the incident and begin an investigation into the factors that may have caused or contributed to an accident occurring.

For more information, please contact the experienced San Francisco personal injury lawyers at Bostwick & Peterson, LLP for an immediate consultation.
