More Meningitis Deaths Linked To Contaminated Steroid Shots


The numbers of people confirmed infected with a rare strain of fungal meningitis has now climbed to 170 with another 14 people dead as the result of the recent meningitis outbreak linked to contaminated steroid injections. Investigators fear this is just the beginning, with more than 13,000 individuals having received the shot according to U.S. Health Officials.

U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention believe that the outbreak is linked to patients being injected with methylprednisolone acetate, a steroid drug commonly used to help individuals suffering from back pain. Investigators suspect the shots were contaminated with a fungus found in leaf mold.

Early symptoms of fungal meningitis may take up to a month to appear and include symptoms such as redness or swelling at the injection site, headaches, stiff neck, fever, dizziness, nausea, sensitivity to light, weakness or numbness, slurred speech and general pain. Left untreated, the inflammatory disease can cause permanent neurological damage and death.

As reported in ABC News, the strain of meningitis found in the contaminated steroid injections "is super rare and very serious ...There's no such thing as mild aspergillus meningitis."

As experienced California meningitis attorneys, we urge you to seek medical care immediately if you or a loved one may have received an infected steroid shot or may have otherwise been exposed to fungal or aspergillus meningitis. It is also a good idea to consult with a knowledgeable meningitis lawyer to determine your next steps if you or a loved one suffers harm as the result of this widespread outbreak.

At Bostwick & Peterson, our compassionate San Francisco personal injury attorneys have a long history of helping families affected by meningitis such as when a loved one becomes infected as the result of exposure at work, or a doctor fails to diagnose meningitis in a child. Each of these situations may lead to significant personal injuries or even death.

By filing a California medical malpractice or personal injury lawsuit, we have helped numerous families recover substantial settlements in order to pay for a lifetime of care. We work with top experts in the world on infectious diseases, neurologists and pharmacologist to help identify an individual's needs for the future. This may include the significant costs of attendant care, therapies, and medical expenses required for rest of a patient's life. By identifying these costs, we can help insure those affected by meningitis obtain the compensation they deserve.

Here, the alleged infected steroid originated in Massachusetts, and was manufactured by New England Compounding Center of Framingham, Massachusetts. This is not the first time the NECC has been charged with distributing contaminated vaccines. In fact, in 2007 the company settled a wrongful death lawsuit with the widen of a man who died after contracting fatal bacterial meningitis from a shot produced at the center.

For more information about the infected steroid injections or fungal/aspergillus meningitis, or if you believe you or a loved one may have been contaminated, please do not hesitate to contact one of our dedicated San Francisco meningitis attorneys at Bostwick & Peterson, LLP. We have years of experience helping families affected by this devastating illness.
